- Project Proposal (due Feb 12)
- Project Description
Define and Describe your project
- Project Plan / Schedule
Provide a clean schedule for your project highlighting the milestones. You can even
use Office Project or simple calendar scheduling.
I would like to see the assignments/delegation of the roles in your schedule.
Also I would like you choose a Project Manager (or you can call Team Leader, Team
Manager, or whatever) for your Group. S/he will be responsible of coordinating the
group and the project and s/he will be my primary contact for your teams.
- Project Goals
Define what you want to achieve with the project, how far you want to go, how much
do you want to provide.
- Deliverables
Define your deliverables. Will you provide a source code, programming, web interface,
database, functionality, ... How do you plan to introduce your interface design;
by defining it, by drawing on paper, by making mock-up interface designs, by making
actual functional interface, ... Do you think of using surveys, usability tests,
expert reviews, ... Your presentation file, etc...
- Project Phase #1 (due Mar 12)
Evaluate the exiting interface design and identify the points
- Project Plan
Review your project schedule provided with your Proposal and explain
your project management strategy as explained on class
on Mar 1st
- Evaluation
Expert Review / Usability Testing / Survey Design and/or Implementation / Evaluations
plan to manage the design process. Expert Review is required, the other methods
are optional.
- Project Phase #2 (due Mar 23)
- Requirements Specifications
Define your requirements for the project
Define the user profile (WHO your users are), Define Functional (HOW it will function),
Environment and Context (WHERE and WHEN it will be used), and Task Requirements
(WHAT will be done)
And what do you need to meet these demands.
Include Revisions of Phase #1
- Project Final Phase (due Apr 11)
- Design and Development
Design the Alternative to existing system
According to what you want to achieve, design your interface. Also define the way
you design the new interface from HCI perspective.
If you agree to use the existing system as it is, you should define how it is designed
for what purposes.
- Test and Evaluation of the new system
How do you test or evaluate the existing system
Comprasion with the old version
If you like as-it-is system, you need to show why
Include Revisions of Phase #1 and #2
You have to submit your presentation files by this date
- Project Presentation (on below schedule)
I'm looking for presentations of 30mins for 4-members, 25mins for 3-member, and
20min for 2-member teams. And allow Q&A sessions at the end.
- Project Introduction
- Your findings from your evaluation of existing system
- Your design
- Comparisons in terms of HCI
- Your goals and achievements
- Difficulties you face
Presentation Schedule:
Apr 12, Mon : Project Presentation - Team Nano Knights
Apr 14, Wed : Project Presentation - Yeah Buddy!
Apr 19, Mon : Project Presentation - Peter and Dan
Apr 21, Wed : Project Presentation - Bryan Mark Joe Jan
Apr 26, Mon : Project Presentation - Team E
Each phase will be accumulative so that following phases will include the previous
phases with the editions supervised by the instructor.